San Francisco Beautiful is dedicated to enhancing the civic beauty and neighborhood character of San Francisco, advocating for accessible public art that enriches the city's cultural landscape. The organization works on various initiatives, projects, and grants aimed at improving public spaces and fostering community engagement.
Basic Information
Founded in
Not Reported
Total Assets
$1.132 million
UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported
This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.
At a Glance

Neighborhood Beautification Grants
Support local projects through funding aimed at beautifying neighborhoods.

Muni Art Program
Bringing art to public transportation spaces, enriching the daily commute.

Beautification Awards
Recognizing outstanding contributions to the beautification of San Francisco.
Impact Stats
Years of Advocacy
Saving the Cable Cars
Successfully campaigned against the removal of iconic cable cars, ensuring their preservation.
Years Since Legislation
Legalizing Outdoor Cafe Seating
Initiated legislation that allowed sidewalk tables and chairs, enhancing the outdoor dining experience.
Trees Planted
Tree Planting Program
Pioneered the first citywide tree planting program to beautify public spaces.
Past Events
Beautification Awards
October 15, 2018
Annual Beautification Awards recognizing contributors to civic beautification.
75th Anniversary Celebration
Celebration of the 75th anniversary of saving the cable cars.
Our Programs

Neighborhood Beautification Grants
Grants provided to community groups for local beautification projects.
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Environmental Beautification