Caminar provides a range of mental health and substance use treatment services, focusing on compassionate care tailored to meet the individual needs of clients and their families. They serve diverse communities across Northern California, ensuring access to mental health resources while fostering overall well-being.
Basic Information
Founded in
Total Assets
$36.55 million
UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported
This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.
At a Glance
Support Community Impact
Dedicated to improving mental health and supporting recovery across diverse populations.
Collaboration for Change
Partnering with communities to create a comprehensive support network.
Transform Lives
Making a significant impact in the lives of thousands through mental health services.
Impact Stats
Individuals Accessed Mental Health Treatment
A total of 2,847 individuals accessed mental health treatment services.
Adults Progressed to Substance Use Recovery
2,297 adults progressed in recovery from substance use through treatment.
Youth Accessed LGBTQIA+ Services
7,635 youth and young adults accessed LGBTQIA+ services and resources.
People Received Housing Outreach Support
14,283 individuals received housing outreach support.
Our Programs
Mental Health Services
Providing comprehensive mental health care including counseling, medication management, and support.
Learn MoreSubstance Use Treatment
Outpatient treatment services including counseling and sober living environments.
Learn MoreWrap-Around Services
Comprehensive support services including housing assistance and vocational training.
Learn MoreEducation and Prevention
Programs focused on education about mental health and substance use.
Learn MoreVolunteer Opportunities
"Thank you for being part of our community. I was homeless and alone, and Caminar changed my life! Today, I have everything. Back then, I had nothing."
Former Client
Impact Reports
MIP Score (Beta)
The MIP Score is in beta! We'd love any feedback you may have.
The MIP Score and it's methodology is purely used as a way to visualize how a nonprofits public financial data compares against others. It doesn't reflect the unique circumstances and impact that a nonprofit has.The MIP Score should never be used to say one charity is better than another.
Overall Score
Program Expense Ratio
Program Revenue Growth
Leverage Ratio
Working Capital Ratio
Fundraising Efficiency
Latest Filing Data: Form 990
Fiscal Year:2021
Source:Source: Self-reported by organization
Financial Details
Category | Amount | Percentage |
Contributions, Gifts, and Grants | 38.36M | 89.93% |
Program Services | 4.21M | 9.87% |
Investment Income | 17 | 0.00% |
Sales of Non-Inventory Assets | 0 | 0.00% |
Other Notable Sources | 76.92K | 0.18% |
Total Revenue | 42.66M | 100.00% |
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