Wonderbag is a social enterprise that aims to provide sustainable cooking solutions while positively impacting communities. The Wonderbag is a non-electric slow cooker that helps reduce energy consumption, supports financial savings for families, and reduces environmental impact. It empowers women in developing countries by freeing up their time from traditional cooking methods that require constant attention.
Basic Information
Founded in
Not Reported
Total Assets
$17.64 thousand
UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported
This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.
At a Glance

The Wonderbag Impact
Discover how using the Wonderbag helps communities save resources and empowers women.

How It Works
Learn about the innovative design and cooking technique of the Wonderbag.

Join Our Community
Become a part of the Wonderbag family and contribute to a sustainable future.
Impact Stats
Number of Wonderbags Distributed
Successful Distribution During Ukrainian Crisis
In 2022, over 2,500 Wonderbags were donated to families in Ukraine during the war.
Number of Wonderbags Produced
COVID-19 Response in South Africa
Produced over 60,000 Wonderbags as a response to the pandemic to help families.
Families Benefiting
Impact in Uganda
Implemented a pilot test providing 100 Wonderbags to Ugandan refugee families.
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International Affairs
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International Affairs
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International Affairs
International Aid