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International Affairs
International Aid

American Friends of Florence Music Inc.

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The organization will raise funds from the public and through grants from other public charities and private foundations (and potentially, government grants) to assist and support performers in and around florence, italy, including, for example, opera and classical music performances at maggio musicale fiorentino (a world acclaimed annual music and art festival in florence), amici della musica firenze (one of the oldest and most prestigious concert venues in italy with a regular season of concerts), teatro del maggio musicale fiorentino (an opera house that hosts opera, orchestras, ballets and other musical and artistic activities year round), as well as special projects and events proposed by major florentine musical institutions, artists creating new musical works to be performed in florence, performances by world-acclaimed musicians in florence, and cultural exchanges between the united states and italy.

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Not Reported



Total Assets

$244.8 thousand

UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported

This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.