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Mid-Coast Recreation Center Inc. Logo

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Sports & Recreation
Public Recreational Facilities

Mid-Coast Recreation Center Inc.

No social links available


Midcoast recreation center (mrc) is a charitable community service organization that includes men, women, and children of all ages, abilities, income, race, and religion. mrc is dedicated to building strong communities and healthier living through programs that promote healthy lifestyles, strong values, leadership development, and community interaction. all persons are welcome at mrc, regardless of ability to pay. mrc is founded and led by volunteers from the community; volunteers also serve as mentors, coaches, program leaders, instructors and more.

Basic Information



535 West St, Rockport, Maine, 04856

View all Rockport charities

Founded in

Not Reported



Total Assets

$2.893 million

UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported

This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.

Showing 1 of 1 goals