The Reentry Coalition of New Jersey promotes public safety and reduces recidivism by providing individuals exiting the criminal justice system with direct access to reputable reentry agencies and various resources. They aim to guide individuals through their transition, ensuring long-term success and reintegration into society and addressing the barriers we face as they return.
Basic Information
Founded in
Total Assets
$210.8 thousand
UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported
This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.
At a Glance

Community Resource Centers
Non-residential programs for higher risk parole clients offering treatment interventions.

Residential Community Reintegration Programs
Halfway houses that assist inmates with their transition back to the community.

Advocacy Efforts
Educational and advocacy efforts aimed at supporting reintegration.
Impact Stats
Percentage Reduction
Reduction in Prison Population
The implementation of evidence-based principles has contributed to a 40% reduction in the prison population.
Percentage Reduction
Decrease in Recidivism Rates
Programs supported by the coalition have led to a 37% reduction in offender recidivism rates.
Number of Offenders Served
Annual Service Reach
Member agencies serve approximately 9,000 offenders annually in New Jersey.
Our Programs

Residential Community Reintegration Programs (RCRPs)
Residential facilities designed to assist inmates nearing release with their transition back to the community.
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Community Resource Centers (CRCs)
Non-residential treatment programs for parole clients to help them reintegrate successfully.
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Stages to Enhance Parolee Success (STEPS)
Supportive residential services to assist parolees in their community transition.
Learn MoreImpact Reports
MIP Score (Beta)
The MIP Score is in beta! We'd love any feedback you may have.
The MIP Score and it's methodology is purely used as a way to visualize how a nonprofits public financial data compares against others. It doesn't reflect the unique circumstances and impact that a nonprofit has.The MIP Score should never be used to say one charity is better than another.
Overall Score
Program Expense Ratio
Program Revenue Growth
Leverage Ratio
Working Capital Ratio
Fundraising Efficiency
Latest Filing Data: Form 990
Fiscal Year:2022
Source:Source: Self-reported by organization
Financial Details
Category | Amount | Percentage |
Contributions, Gifts, and Grants | 1.447M | 96.02% |
Program Services | 60K | 3.98% |
Investment Income | 0 | 0.00% |
Sales of Non-Inventory Assets | 0 | 0.00% |
Other Notable Sources | 0 | 0.00% |
Total Revenue | 1.507M | 100.00% |