Trenton, New Jersey
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Nonprofit DirectoryTrenton, New Jersey
Maintain the highest standards of care in occupational and environmental medicine
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The james r. halsey foundation of the arts, in partnership with the community and corporate support, enriches the quality of life for youths (ages 14 to 20) by providing a safe and educational environment where participants in our programs are inspired and encouraged toward a better future. this initiative is accomplished by promoting and guiding participants/students through the creative processes involved in the art of filmmaking, and by providing life-skills training in business and the arts.
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Focus nj is a non-profit organization that researches and analyzes public policy, industry trends and economic indicators impacting the garden state's overall affordability, workforce and competitiveness.
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One simple wish empowers you to restore hope and happiness to children impacted by foster care, abuse and neglect.
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Help individuals exiting the criminal justice system successfully reenter society and establish themselves as healthy, productive new jersy citizens
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To make every childs potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
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Organized to operate exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, including encouraging legal advocacy and litigation in the public interest.
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The rescue mission of trenton, nj is the agency in the city of trenton that serves the truly needy men & women who have no place to turn for shelter, food, and clothing. the mission
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To offer services in low-income communities (in the trenton and the surrounding area) to address critical urban needs in the areas of community revitalization, urban agriculture, green job training, youth education, violence prevention, climate impact, lead remediation, energy and weatherization services, financial and housing counseling and education and research and policy implementation.
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To empower men, fathers and families to achieve self-sufficiency. the father center of new jersey is a nationally-recognized leader in the field of fatherhood that focuses on strengthening families and communities while improving outcomes for children living in poverty by providing services that target men and fathers. programs are designed to encourage fathers to make a positive impact on their families through active participation in carefully designed sessions that assist with employment and job readiness, parenting skills, anger management, and health and wellness, among others. the result is that communities are strengthened by men who embrace the challenge of fatherhood, accept financial responsibility for themselves and their families, and commit to the long-term health and stability of their children, families, and themselves as individuals.
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Support foundation academies by raising funds & delivering services, programs, acquisitions, and partnerships that equitably serve the best interests of our school community.
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To promote the welfare of individuals with disabilities and other disadvantaged groups, and increase services to the families of both. also provided relief to consumers that were affected by covid-19 in their living and working situation. intensive case management for clients that request housing assistance, training and other social services that help in avoiding homeless. we operated in three counties in 2022 burlington, mercer and ocean.
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We are a christian ministry that is providing resources and materials to local chapters.
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Grantmaking in partnership with isles inc to 3 trenton neighborhoods
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Provide assistance to nj veteran organizations, homeless veterans, suicide prevention assistance, veteran family members, families of deployed troops and nj national guard that meet the criteria of the corporation as the need arises throughout new jersey.
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To provide health care services
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To provide educational programs to public and scientists
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To provide care for cats in and around trenton, nj
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New jersey school administrators education research foundation (njsaerf) mission is to support the learning research efforts of the njasa, and optimize the professional development of new jersey's public school leaders to ensure a superior statewide education system. the foundation's goal is to conduct and distribute influential research to new jersey stakeholders who effect educational regulations, legislation and policy.
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Provide services, assistance and recognition to veterans of foreign wars and their families.
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