Great Falls, Montana
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Nonprofit DirectoryGreat Falls, Montana
Historic preservation project
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The mission of the montana empowerment center is to empower, encourage, and educate all montana families with children and young adults with disabilities.
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We utilize the strength of community to support exceptional early childhood experiences.
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To facilitate youth baseball in great falls, montana.
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Prevention of child abuse and neglect by providing crisis respite and transitional care for children ages 06
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Provide care and comfort for patients and families at a patient housing facility.
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The mission of the gfps foundation is to enhance the high-quality teaching and life-long learning for the students in the great falls public schools by funding innovative educational programs and scholarships.
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Family promise of great falls provides support and resources to children (continue to schedule o) and their families in a homeless situation until the family can regain sustainable independence.
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Richpluss inc is a faith-based organization formed solely for the purpose of building and operating orphanages, churches, and medical facilities for the less fortunate and related facilities where demand is not currently being met through either nonexistent, or inadequately sized facilities both locally and abroad. as such, all of our activities will be faith-based and charitable in nature working towards that goal. 1 operation of orphanages the operations of the orphanages ran by richpluss inc are and will continue to be carried out by the board members (unpaid), employees, and volunteers. any activities requiring construction will be carried out by contractors hired as demand requires and where we cannot find an employee or volunteer with the appropriate skillset to accomplish the project. we believe in order for richpluss inc to be successful, there needs to be a solid foundation in place. up to this point, the board has spent a significant amount of its time developing and building
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Educate and train citizens in the safe and efficient handling of recreational firearms. to promote social welfare and public safety, law and order and the ownership and use of citizens of good repute. to foster and promote the advancement of amateur shooting sports competitions along with firearms safety and marksmanship training. provide a gathering place for people to enjoy recreational shooting and a place for the sportsmen and women to sight in their recreational firearms. to serve local law enforcement agencies and national defense groups by providing a venue for firearms training and required qualifications tests, and to lend support to and assist in promoting hunter education.
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The hands program mission is to engender a community supported program through a collaborative effort of all organizations and individuals interested in school-age child care. the results of such collaboration will be a community-wide, on-going, non-profit, self supporting school-based program for children 5-12 years old.
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Legal advocates for minors
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Improving and enhancing healthcare services for people throughout north central montana.
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To provide quality services for all water systems, thereby enabling them to produce the best possible product with their available resources.
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Together we create opportunities that change lives. for more information see schedule o. esgw provided direct services to 4,564 individuals in fy23 in mt, id, or, ut and wy via workforce development, clinical, children's, and disability services. goodwill stores provide employment for people from all walks of life.
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To encourage, promote, and preserve excellence in representational fine art and its artists of the north american west through exhibitions, advertising, and education.
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Alluvion health is a not-for-profit federally qualified health center focusing on providing high quality, cost-effective, comprehensive primary and preventive medical, dental, and behavioral health care.
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Multi-specialty physician group.
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Parent entity of integrated health system
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Provide mentoring, client advocacy, education, support and referrals for pregnant women and new mothers.
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