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Human Services
Alternative Living Arrangements

Richpluss Inc.

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Richpluss inc is a faith-based organization formed solely for the purpose of building and operating orphanages, churches, and medical facilities for the less fortunate and related facilities where demand is not currently being met through either nonexistent, or inadequately sized facilities both locally and abroad. as such, all of our activities will be faith-based and charitable in nature working towards that goal. 1 operation of orphanages the operations of the orphanages ran by richpluss inc are and will continue to be carried out by the board members (unpaid), employees, and volunteers. any activities requiring construction will be carried out by contractors hired as demand requires and where we cannot find an employee or volunteer with the appropriate skillset to accomplish the project. we believe in order for richpluss inc to be successful, there needs to be a solid foundation in place. up to this point, the board has spent a significant amount of its time developing and building

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3709 3rd Ave N, Great Falls, Montana, 59401

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Founded in

Not Reported



Total Assets

$6.499 thousand