Great Falls, Montana
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Nonprofit DirectoryGreat Falls, Montana
The mission of the great falls community ice foundation is to provide affordable hockey, figure, and recreational skating for the greatest number of citizens, young or old, and for all skill levels.
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To promote and develop coorperatives to meet the economic needs and community needs of rural montana.
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College scholarships for montana high school students, donations of medical equipment for small hospitals in montana, and development of programs benefiting the youth in communities throughout montana.
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The mission of ywca great falls is to eliminate racism and empower women and their families.
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Create sustainable homeownership opportunities and improve the availability of affordable rentals.
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Eagle mount great falls provides therapeutic and recreational activities for children and adults of all ages with physical, developmental, behavioral and/or mental challenges, striving to improve the quality of life for them and their families.
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Free legal services for montanans who could not otherwise afford them.
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The institute's mission is to improve human health through innovative genetic research and education.
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Repair & improve a historical structure
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Home health services and related products.
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Alliance for youth creates social change to advance healthy youth and family development within north central montana communities through educational and collaborative approaches.
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Provide ex-offenders with living accomodations prior to parole or discharge.
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The foundation provides funds for programs that help prepare montana school for the deaf and blind students for independent lives.
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Assist the developmentally disabled
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The center for mental health partners with people and communities to produce exceptional mental health and substance abuse services.
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To improve the status of montana's urban native americans through job opportunities
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The lewis and clark trail heritage foundation provides national leadership in maintaining the integrity of the trail and its story through stewardship, scholarship, education, partnership and cultural inclusiveness.
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The mission of peace place is to give hope and respite to families with children who have medical and/or diverse, specialized needs. peace place offers skilled, purposeful childcare in an inclusive setting, caregiver support, and education so at-risk children may be safe and their families may thrive.
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Provide food to the community; fight hunger.
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Promoting and protecting the safety and welfare of all animals through rescue, rehabilitation, relocation and retirement. the main mission is to find forever homes for abandoned pets. trap, neuter and release of feral cats has become a large part of what the organization does as well.
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