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Human Services
Foster Care Services

1018 Strategy

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In 2022, our organization accomplished the following: awareness program: we completed our 3 year research project and published our findings in our "open eye report: unmasking child explotation in the united states" this report is publicly available through our website. training program: this year our organization successifully completed a 6 month pilot phase and successfully launched our national prevention and early detection training called "watchful eye- and our mandated reporter training called "assessing risk vs danger". both of these trainings are availablle online and through in-person training events. since the completion of the pilot this training series has been completed by individuals in 20 states. aid program: our organization provided over 10,000 touchpoints to children and victims this year through ongoing support services and two community events. this year we reached a milestone of over 30,000 volunteer hours

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705B SE Melody Ln, Lees Summit, Missouri, 64063

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Founded in

Not Reported



Total Assets

$20.81 thousand

UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported

This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.