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Commonwealth Neighborhoods Inc.
(a) provide decent, clean, and safe housing that is affordable to low-income andmoderate-income people in the state of texas and throughout the united states ofamerica;(b) design and implement educational, self-improvement and other servicesappropriate for low-income and moderate-income residents of affordable communitiesfor use by affiliates of the corporation and third-party affordable housing owners;(c) implement and administer services to low-income and moderate-income residentsof affordable communities;(d) to work with municipalities, individuals, partnerships, corporations and others inthe united states of america to make affordable housing available, and to hold, convey,develop, mortgage, lease and sell said housing;(e) to obtain and maintain a determination by the internal revenue service ("irs")that the corporation is tax-exempt pursuant to 501(c)(3) of the internal, revenue code(the "code").(f) to conduct itself as a community housing development o
Basic Information
Founded in
Not Reported
Total Assets
$5.154 thousand
UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported
This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.
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