The Cajal Club Foundation Corporation Logo

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Med Research
Neurological Research

The Cajal Club Foundation Corporation


Established in 1947, the Cajal Club celebrates neuroanatomy and promotes neuroscience research, fostering an appreciation for the relationship between structure and function in the nervous system. The club facilitates interdisciplinary collaboration and recognizes outstanding contributions to the field through various awards and events.

Basic Information



92697-0001, Irvine, California

View all Irvine charities

Founded in

Not Reported



Total Assets

$488 thousand

At a Glance

Cajal Club Annual Meeting

Cajal Club Annual Meeting

Gathering of neuroscientists to discuss recent developments and research in the field.

Krieg Cortical Kudos Awards

Krieg Cortical Kudos Awards

Highlights of the annual awards given to outstanding scientists.

Pinckney J. Harman Memorial Lecture

Pinckney J. Harman Memorial Lecture

Annual lecture featuring a prominent scientist in the field of neuroanatomy.

Impact Stats


Awards Given

Krieg Cortical Kudos

Annual awards recognizing outstanding research contributions to the cerebral cortex.


Awards Given

Lifetime Achievement Awards

Established recognition for scientists who have made significant contributions to neuroscience.


Events Held

Annual Banquets and Lectures

Continuing the tradition of annual gatherings featuring notable speakers in neuroscience.

Past Events

Cajal Club Annual Meeting 2023


Annual meeting focusing on the latest advancements in neuroscience research.

Krieg Cortical Kudos Awards Ceremony 2023


Recognition of new nominees for the Krieg Cortical Kudos.

Pinckney J. Harman Memorial Lecture 2023


Annual lecture in memory of Pinckney J. Harman.