Tau Beta Sigma is a National Honorary Sorority that facilitates excellence in collegiate band programs through service, leadership development, and promotion of equality and diversity, particularly for women in the band profession. The organization focuses on fostering an inclusive environment for its members and encourages the development of their leadership skills and musicianship while contributing positively to their band and college communities.
Basic Information
Founded in
Not Reported
Total Assets
$1.151 million
UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported
This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.
At a Glance

Promoting Women in Music
The Women In Music program highlights and supports women in the music profession.

Focus on Five Campaign
An initiative for chapters to engage in community development and leadership.

National Convention
A platform for members to convene, share ideas, and celebrate achievements.
Impact Stats
Number of Scholarships Awarded
Tau Beta Sigma National Scholarship for Outstanding Student Leaders
This award recognizes outstanding student leaders of Tau Beta Sigma who demonstrate significant contributions to their band and academic achievements.
Number of Scholarships Awarded
Wava Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to active members who are women preparing for a career in Music Education.
Total Number of Recipients
Outstanding Service to Music Award
This is the Sorority's highest honor awarded to a woman who has made significant contributions to the music community.
Our Programs

For Greater Practice Initiative
A program designed to encourage better practice habits among members.
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