Unfortunately, Goodwill Industries of Central Florida Inc. has limited available public data.
Goodwill Industries of Central Florida Inc.
Goodwill industries of central florida, inc. is a 501c3 that resells donated goods such as clothing and household goods in 30 retail/outlet stores while offering employment to over 1200 individuals in brevard, lake, orange, osceola, volusia and seminole counties. gicf provides job preparation, skill building, job placement opportunities, resource connectivity and post-employment support to the community and our employees with and without disabilities seeking assistance with economic success through our donated goods retail operation, the virtual job connection center, workforce development, lift, the neighborhood centers for families and prosperity planning and coaching services.
Basic Information
Founded in
Not Reported
Total Assets
$179.4 million
UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported
This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.