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Human Services
Multipurpose Centers

Foot Forward Inc.

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We work with tanzanian women artisans as they create beautiful, handmade artisan products. we provide a fair wage for their exceptional work, along with unique opportunities which enrich their lives and those of their families (this includes clean water accessible to them and their families, access to tools and equipment for micro-business, school fees and uniforms, and english lessons). ultimately, after expenses, proceeds from sandals are invested in us charities which invest in clean water, girls education, and women and children's health. we have no paid employees and though costs for starting up the organization have been higher (with potential for revenue from sandals uncertain) we endeavor to ensure that we are achieving important social good for the artisans and the charitable beneficiaries.

Basic Information



7701 Greenlawn Rd, Louisville, Kentucky, 40242

View all Louisville charities

Founded in

Not Reported



Total Assets

$47.89 thousand

UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported

This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.