Bellevue Soccer Club Logo

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Sports & Recreation
Soccer Programs

Bellevue Soccer Club


Founded in 1974, the Bellevue Soccer Club has evolved into a prominent youth sports organization that is dedicated to serving players and teams in the Omaha/Council Bluffs metropolitan and surrounding areas. It operates from the Walter's Soccer Complex, offering a variety of soccer programs tailored to meet the needs of players of all ages and skill levels. BSC is affiliated with the Nebraska State Soccer Association and the US Youth Soccer Association, focusing not only on competitive play but also on the personal development of its players.

Basic Information



68005-0692, Bellevue, Nebraska

View all Bellevue charities

Founded in

Not Reported



Total Assets

$320.8 thousand

At a Glance

Fall Soccer Registration

Fall Soccer Registration

Registration for the upcoming fall soccer season is now open.

Congrats BSC Rampage

Congrats BSC Rampage

Celebrating the success of the BSC Rampage team.

We need you

We need you

Call for volunteers to support the club's activities.

Our Programs


A program designed to provide soccer opportunities for children with disabilities.

Learn More

Volunteer Opportunities

Concession Stand Volunteer

Help run the concession stand during matches.

Learn More

Facility Maintenance Volunteer

Assist with maintaining the cleanliness of the fields and facilities.