Brain Research Foundation (BRF) is dedicated to funding neuroscience research that aims to discover new treatments for neurological disorders, thereby improving lives through innovative scientific exploration and breakthroughs.
Basic Information
Founded in
Total Assets
$19.01 million
UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported
This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.
At a Glance
The Vandermel Family's Story
This family shares their motivation for supporting BRF in honor of loved ones affected by neurological disorders.
Matt Rahn’s Story
Matt discusses true innovation and the creative thinking that BRF fosters among researchers.
On Top of Stealing Memories: Cindy Macfarland’s Story
Cindy speaks about the importance of funding neurological research to address dementia.
Impact Stats
Future Funding Ratio
Future Funding for Research
For every dollar BRF awards, our grantees have secured, on average, $27 in future funding from other grant programs to continue their research.
Total Grantees
Total Supported Scientists
BRF has had the opportunity to support 696 scientists through our grant programs in their pursuit of furthering brain research since 1981.
Total Funding Amount
Total Funded Neuroscience Research
To date, BRF has provided more than $51 million toward neuroscience research.
Past Events
2022 Discovery Event
November 8, 2023
An annual event that raised funds to support innovative neuroscience research.
Our Programs
Seed Grants
Providing start-up funds for the most innovative and high-impact neuroscience research projects.
Scientific Innovations Award
A grant aimed at distinguishing investigators conducting breakthrough research in neuroscience.
MIP Score (Beta)
The MIP Score is in beta! We'd love any feedback you may have.
The MIP Score and it's methodology is purely used as a way to visualize how a nonprofits public financial data compares against others. It doesn't reflect the unique circumstances and impact that a nonprofit has.The MIP Score should never be used to say one charity is better than another.
Overall Score
Program Expense Ratio
Program Revenue Growth
Leverage Ratio
Working Capital Ratio
Fundraising Efficiency
Latest Filing Data: Form 990
Fiscal Year:2021
Source:Source: Self-reported by organization
Financial Details
Category | Amount | Percentage |
Contributions, Gifts, and Grants | 1.722M | 69.16% |
Program Services | 0 | 0.00% |
Investment Income | 486.9K | 19.56% |
Sales of Non-Inventory Assets | 344.7K | 13.85% |
Other Notable Sources | 0 | 0.00% |
Total Revenue | 2.489M | 100.00% |