CSA Fraternal Life (formerly the Czechoslovak Society of America) is America’s oldest Fraternal Benefit Society, established in 1854 by Czechoslovak immigrants who desired to provide security for their families. The organization has evolved over time to include individuals of all backgrounds and values, ensuring mutual aid and community bonding.
Basic Information
Founded in
Not Reported
Total Assets
$105.9 million
At a Glance
Community Festivities
CSA Fraternal Life actively participates in various community festivities, celebrating Czech and Slovak heritage.
Veterans Recognition
The organization regularly honors its veterans and members, showcasing their invaluable contributions.
Aim for Scholarships
CSA provides scholarships that support young members in their education, carrying on the legacy of giving back.
Impact Stats
Founding Year
Established in 1854
CSA Fraternal Life is recognized as the oldest fraternal benefit society in the United States, initiated by Czech immigrants.
Past Events
Czech and Slovak Folk Life Festival
October 19, 2024
The community celebrates the annual Czech and Slovak Folk Life Festival, which draws attention to cultural heritage.
Impact Reports
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