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Human Services
Foster Care Services

New Oaks Community

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New oaks community, inc. (the organization) seeks to develop properties where families can live in community and unite in heart for the common purpose of loving children through foster care and adoption. our desire is that abandoned or neglected children will find a home where they can experience the true love of god, to understand they were born with great purpose, and to be set free to live out their destiny. by planting seeds of unconditional love in their heart, the orphans of our times can become "new oaks" - firmly rooted in family and a contributing part of the community.

Basic Information



417 S D St, Hamilton, Ohio, 45013

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Founded in

Not Reported



Total Assets

$915.4 thousand

UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported

This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.