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Erie Cattaraugus Rail Trail Inc.
Erie cattaraugus rail trail inc. (ecrt) is the trail manager for the railbanked portion of the buffalo-pittsburgh railway in western ny. over twenty-seven miles long, this railroad right-of-way connects the nine communities along the trail, including the village and town of orchard park, aurora, west falls, colden, east concord, springville, west valley and ashford, new york. ecrt will construct and maintain the multi-use recreational trail, thereby helping to develop a healthy, connected, and economically vibrant western new york community. ecrt will preserve the 27-mile buffalo-pittsburgh rail corridor and is transforming it into a multi-use recreational trail between orchard park and ashford, new york, enhancing the quality of life in the western new york community.
Basic Information
Founded in
Not Reported
Total Assets
$363.5 thousand
UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported
This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.
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