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Mountains and Plains Institute for Lifelong Learning and Service Inc. Logo

MIP Score


Human Services
Senior Services

Mountains and Plains Institute for Lifelong Learning and Service Inc.

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The mountains and plains institute for lifelong learning and service is a 501c3 non-profit corporation committed to providing high quality and affordable educational courses, travel, and service learning opportunities for adults. the institute also supports service projects with focus on health and wildlife conservation activities. in 2023, 16 educational programs were provided serving 311 individuals, led by an additional 11 individuals. also, 3 service projects provided nearly 7,000 individuals with services.

Basic Information



155 W Harvard St, Ste 202, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80525

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Founded in

Not Reported



Total Assets

$1.093 million

UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported

This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.