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North penn legal services is a provider of free civil legal services to residents of a 20 county area in northeast pa. potential clients are screened for income eligibility which is, in most cases, 125% of the federal poverty level. case types accepted for service are those which fit within priorities reviewed annually by the board of directors. north penn legal services advocates handle a variety of cases including housing, health, juvenile, family, employment, education, consumer, income maintenance, and individual rights. the priorities are designed to screen for cases which are emergencies and which have an effect on the safety and economic stability of a family. for example, north penn legal services advocates take cases where the client is at risk of eviction from private or federally subsidized housing, has been denied access to public benefit - whether in the form of cash assistance or medical support - or the victim of creditor harassment.
Basic Information
Founded in
Not Reported
Total Assets
$6.134 million
UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported
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