Unfortunately, New Media Advocacy Project Inc. has limited available public data.

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New Media Advocacy Project Inc.

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In 2022 nmap partnered with foundations and civil society organizations to make measurable progress on complex problems where new narratives, reframing, and unconventional approaches are most needed. we continued to fight extractive industry abuse by using video to empower rural communities targeted for mining to defend their rights; continued a mentorship program for lgptqi and bipoc activists using narrative strategies to resist petrochemical development and imagine a different future for appalachia, and launched a mentorship program in ethiopia.

Basic Information



6 Warren St, Suite 1, Hudson, New York, 12534

View all Hudson charities

Founded in

Not Reported



Total Assets

$179.5 thousand

UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported

This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.