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Community Building
Service Clubs

Civic Club of Shippensburg

No social links available


The civic club was organized in 1911 with the objective to develop the educational and civic interest of its members and to advance the welfare of the community. initially the club met in homes, churches, the ymca or any available space. at a meeting in 1920 a motion was made that receipts from a november rummage sale be set aside as a beginning of a clubhouse fund. the club currently has 61 members, many of whom are very active in the various committees that make up the club. the court house committee has the responsibility for the preservation and maintenance of the court house and its antique furnishings. court house docents also provide tours during the year with an open house each month from may through december. private tours may be arranged by contacting the civic club of shippensburg. the garden committee maintains the gardens and grounds surrounding the building and also provides tours to individuals and groups.

Basic Information



17257-0593, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania

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Founded in

Not Reported



Total Assets

$3.037 million

UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported

This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.