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Tenafly Nature Center Association
Form 990, part i, line 1, description of organization mission: the association's mission is to protect almost 400 wooded acres for the purposes of conservation, education, recreation, and community engagement. we strive to protect all native species found within our preserve and teach current and future generations to do the same. since 1961 the association has nurtured an appreciation for nature, been a leader in open space preservation and in environmental education for the community and beyond. in 2021 we continued to make quick adjustments to meet the needs of our community and school systems. as in 2020 we were able to stay open and provide supplemental education opportunities both virtually and safely outside in person. during peak hours over 14,000 visitors were able to enjoy our trails and educational exhibits and signage was added to create more passive educational opportunities throughout the year. despite the need for restrictions and reductions due to health and safety conc
Basic Information
Founded in
Not Reported
Total Assets
$727.1 thousand
UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported
This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.