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Health Care
Community Health Clinics

Ledwith Lewis Free Clinic

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The tappahannock free clinic is organized as a community based organization providing quality healthcare to essex and surrounding counties at little or no charge to low income, uninsured people as well as thosepeople with health insurance but no medication coverage. tappahannock freeclinic believes that citizens who work at being productive deserve access to adequate medical care, and their goal is to provide this care through the effort of volunteer professionals and support staff, and the contributions of individuals, churches, civic groups, and businesses who share this vision.

Basic Information



317 Duke St, Tappahannock, Virginia, 22560

View all Tappahannock charities

Founded in

Not Reported



Total Assets

$629.1 thousand

UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported

This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.