Lynchburg, Virginia
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Nonprofit DirectoryLynchburg, Virginia
The mission of grace is to empower the christian community through education and training to recognize and respond to the sin of abuse.
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The mission of community access network is to ensure exceptional, quality, compassionate and comprehensive healthcare for every member of our community. we fulfill this mission by directly providing healthcare and health-related social services, as well as by creating a network of healthcare providers and organizations that prioritize health and compassion. we work together to break down the barriers that keep our neighbors from receiving the best individualized care.
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The coalition for hiv awareness and prevention,inc.chap mission is to educate the public about the nature, prevention, treatment, and impact of hiv/aids. coordinate efforts of public and private resources.
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The mission of acts of himalaya (aoh) is to train and equip indigenous leaders for the planting of churches among their own unreached people groups throughout himalaya. the ultimate vision is the multiplication of churches until there is a church within walking distance of every person in asia. to achieve this vision, aoh has training centers in nepal and india where local leaders are equipped with pastoral and church planting disciplines.
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To provide a free-of-charge platform to connect individuals in need with charitable organizations offering services and to support such organizations.
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To strengthen our community through theatrical exploration of its people, its landscape, and its history.
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Unified potential is primarily devoted to building systems that enable people to make connections. in particular, these systems will enable access for under-resourced groups to whom existing systems are inaccessible. doing business as moveup, unified potential provides persons with connections to non-profit transportation options. the system is designed to be accessible by all individuals, regardless of age or functional status. these groups include but are not limited to: ambulatory adults with limited financial means; children who may need to be transported with the consent of parents or guardians but without an adult present; adults who need additional assistance and are thus somewhat vulnerable such as elderly; disabled individuals in folding or electric wheelchairs; or even those with more advanced medical needs such as traveling with a caregiver or requiring a non-emergent ambulance transport.
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Create opportunities for comminity invlovement in the performing arts as participants and audiences. provide a venue for the culural enlighment of the peforming arts that benefits the entire community.
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A chapter of the mustache for kids national organization. m4k lynchburg raises money to improve the quality of life for local children through individual fundraising and partnering with local charities and businesses.
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Liberty university, inc. is a distinctively christian academic community, with a mission of providing quality collegiate education training champions for christ.
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Kiwanis is an organization dedicated to community service. we create and sponsor projects that benefit people of lynchburg, virginia and surrounding counties - especially children. the kiwanis motto is: "kiwanis is an organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world on child and one community at a time."
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Provide biblical guidance to people struggling with sexual purity
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To teach people through repentance and faith in a personal relationship with jesus christ that will change their lives towards eternal salvation and help them recover from hurts, hang-ups, and habits and create a desire for them for healthier choices through the regenerating work of the spirit in their lives.
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The organization is an equipping ministry that enhances the vision of the church by providing sports-related resources for the effective communication of the gospel
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Opera on the james will attract and involve central virginians in the full range of operatic arts by providing diverse, accessible productions performed by nationally and regionally acclaimed artists that will educate, inspire, and engage.
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Please see schedule o
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To conduct activities to support and assist the growth and development of the lynchburg museum system.
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To create a strong, vibrant and welcoming downtown with a unique and historic character.
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Advancing excellence and equity in the lynchburg city schools through advocacy and educational funding.
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Benefit disadvantaged children.
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