New York Society of Nephrology Inc.
The New York Society of Nephrology (NYSN) focuses on continuing medical education for Nephrologists, providing them with opportunities to learn from experts in the field through lecture programs. It aims to enhance the clinical practice of Nephrology and share new knowledge stemming from basic science and clinical research. Membership includes Nephrologists from the NY metropolitan area, including Westchester, New Jersey, and Long Island.
Basic Information
Founded in
Not Reported
Total Assets
$14.77 thousand
At a Glance

Fellow's Night 2023
An event dedicated to recognizing and awarding outstanding research by Nephrology fellows.

NYSN Leadership
Meet the officers of the New York Society of Nephrology who lead the organization.

Educational Opportunities
Providing Nephrologists and fellows in training with various educational resources and opportunities.
Impact Stats
Awards granted
Fellow's Night 2023 Awards
Recognition of distinguished research by fellows in Nephrology.
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