The Wildcat Bands program at Fruita Monument High School aims to provide outstanding performance ensembles for students. Established in 1910, it has a rich history and offers a variety of bands including Symphonic Bands, Wind Ensemble, Jazz I & II, Marching Band, and Drumline. The program focuses on participation at all levels and aims to create a collaborative environment for students to develop their musical skills.
Basic Information
Founded in
Not Reported
Total Assets
$97.55 thousand
At a Glance

Marching Band Performance
Experience the excitement of our Marching Band during halftime shows.

Jazz Ensemble Success
Our Jazz Ensemble has been recognized as an outstanding ensemble in various festivals.

Community Engagement
Our performances engage the local community and foster a love for music.
Impact Stats
State Competition Rankings
Top 10 State Competitions
The band program consistently ranks in the top 10 in state competitions.
Students Participating
Participation Rates
8% of the school's population participates in the band program.
Years of Awards
CBA Regional Awards
Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band received awards at CBA Regional level for multiple years.
Past Events
Silent Auction/Chili Dinner
A successful fundraising chili dinner and silent auction event.
Solo and Ensemble Festival
Annual Solo and Ensemble Festival for student musicians.
State Marching Band Competition
The Wildcat Marching Band's performance at the state competition.
Upcoming Events
Marching Band Practice
Regular practice session for the upcoming performance season.

Jazz Concert
Join us for an evening of jazz performed by our top ensembles.
Fundraising Bingo Night
Help support the band through our Bingo night fundraiser.
Learn MoreOur Programs
Wind Ensemble
A select group performing at a high level and competing in prestigious events.
Learn MoreVolunteer Opportunities
Event Fundraiser Helper
Assist in organizing and running fundraising events throughout the year.
Marching Band Support
Help with transport, setup, and logistics for the marching band performances.