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Champs Male Mentoring Program - Chirise Logo

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Secondary Education

Champs Male Mentoring Program - Chirise

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The mission of the c.h.a.m.p.s. male mentoring program is to educate empower and expose african-american and latino young men beyond the four walls of the school in order to help them to achieve their dreams and goals. c.h.a.m.p.s. male mentoring program envisions a safe environment for every young man by developing their mindsets through culturally relevant conversations and interactions that will help them develop the skills and habits necessary to navigate life in a positive and productive way.

Basic Information



7131 S South Chicago Ave, Chicago, Illinois, 60619

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Founded in

Not Reported



Total Assets

$422.1 thousand

UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported

This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.

Showing 1 of 1 goals