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Grad/Postgrad Institutions

Regent University


Regent University, established in 1977, is a premier Christian university located in Virginia Beach, Virginia, with a mission to transform the world through educational excellence. Offering a wide array of programs both onsite and online, Regent emphasizes Christian values and leadership development, preparing students to effectively impact their communities and professions.

Basic Information



1000 Regent University Dr, Virginia Beach, Virginia, 23464

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Founded in

Not Reported



Total Assets

$193.5 million

UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported

This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.

At a Glance

Excellence in Education

Excellence in Education

Regent University is recognized for its rigorous academic programs and a vibrant Christian community, preparing students for impactful careers.

Record Scholarships Granted

Record Scholarships Granted

In the 2021-22 academic year, Regent awarded nearly $23 million in institutional scholarships and aid.

National Recognition

National Recognition

Ranked as the #1 Online Christian College in America, placing emphasis on academic excellence and student achievement.

Upcoming Events

Anglican Daily Prayer - Morning Prayer


Join us for morning prayer sessions reflecting our commitment to spiritual life.

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A unique chapel experience aimed at fostering community and spiritual growth.

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