Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is a nonprofit public broadcaster dedicated to educational, cultural, and informational programming. It operates as a portal of trusted, high-quality content, from dramatic histories and grand explorations to engaging children’s shows. PBS partners with its member television stations across the United States to ensure local communities have access to media that enriches daily life and promotes lifelong learning.
$589.2 million
This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.
PBS has long been dedicated to educational content, especially for children. Shows like 'Mister Rogers' Neighborhood' and newer programs such as 'Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood' are integral to PBS's mission, providing educational content that prepares children for school and beyond.
PBS is renowned for its in-depth documentaries. FRONTLINE tackles current affairs, while Ken Burns' series like 'The Civil War' offer insightful historical perspectives. These documentaries are backed by thorough research and storytelling excellence.
PBS serves as the nation's stage for arts and culture. Shows like 'Great Performances' and 'Austin City Limits' provide access to high-quality performing arts programming, both from classical and contemporary genres, helping to enrich and preserve the cultural lives of their audience.
20 Days in Mariupol Win
PBS's FRONTLINE documentary '20 DAYS IN MARIUPOL' won an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature Film. The powerful film presented the story of Ukrainian journalists trapped in the city during the Russian invasion.
Webby Media Company of the Year
PBS was recognized as the Webby Media Company of the Year, an honor highlighting the most successful media company in various Webby Award categories, reaffirming their status as leaders in digital content.
PBS's traditional National Memorial Day Concert offers a unique blend of musical tributes and dramatic readings to honor those who have served in the United States Armed Forces.
PBS announced comprehensive coverage plans for the 2024 presidential election including news, public affairs, and documentary coverage.
Overall Score
Program Expense Ratio
Program Revenue Growth
Leverage Ratio
Working Capital Ratio
Fundraising Efficiency
Fiscal Year:2021
Source:Source: Self-reported by organization
Category | Amount | Percentage |
Contributions, Gifts, and Grants | 280.6M | 51.68% |
Program Services | 210M | 38.68% |
Investment Income | 2.34M | 0.43% |
Sales of Non-Inventory Assets | 7.152M | 1.32% |
Other Notable Sources | 34.83M | 6.42% |
Total Revenue | 543M | 100.00% |