Shikabania is a primary school in Tanzania that offers a comprehensive English language curriculum from Pre-K to Class 7. Established in 2010, the school serves underprivileged children, addressing the critical need for English proficiency in higher education and employment opportunities. It provides quality education through local teachers and aims to foster a brighter future for its students and the community.
Basic Information
Founded in
Total Assets
$464.3 thousand
UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported
This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.
At a Glance

Field Trip to National Park
An annual school field trip that exposes students to nature and wildlife.

Community Impact
Changing the lives of students and their families through education.

Active Teacher Engagement
A dedicated team of local teachers supporting the educational journey of each child.
Impact Stats
National Exam Ranking
National Exam Excellence
Graduating classes consistently score in the top percentages nationally for entrance to secondary school.
Ranking among schools
National Assessment Performance
Shikabania students placed in the top 2% of the national assessment testing.
Number of Classrooms
Capacity Building
The school has grown from a single classroom to 9 classrooms fully equipped to serve the needs of 245 students.
Our Programs
Pre-K to Class 7 Education
Providing a robust curriculum focusing on English, Math, Science, and Social Studies for local children.
MIP Score (Beta)
The MIP Score is in beta! We'd love any feedback you may have.
The MIP Score and it's methodology is purely used as a way to visualize how a nonprofits public financial data compares against others. It doesn't reflect the unique circumstances and impact that a nonprofit has.The MIP Score should never be used to say one charity is better than another.
Overall Score
Program Expense Ratio
Program Revenue Growth
Leverage Ratio
Working Capital Ratio
Fundraising Efficiency
Latest Filing Data: Form 990
Fiscal Year:2023
Source:Source: Self-reported by organization
Financial Details
Category | Amount | Percentage |
Contributions, Gifts, and Grants | 182.1K | 81.21% |
Program Services | 14.22K | 6.34% |
Investment Income | 27.92K | 12.45% |
Sales of Non-Inventory Assets | 0 | 0.00% |
Other Notable Sources | 0 | 0.00% |
Total Revenue | 224.2K | 100.00% |