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Legal Aid
Abuse Prevention Education

Childrens Alliance of Montana Inc.

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The children's alliance of montana is a non-profit, membership organization of children's advocacy centers, multidisciplinary teams (mdts) and partner agencies whose purpose is to provide support, training and technical assistance to professionals working to strengthen their response to crimes against children -- physical, sexual abuse, drug endangered, internet crimes, child trafficking. cam promotes best practices in investigation, prosecution of crimes against children as well as promoting heath and healing through advocacy, mental health and medical services. cam's mission is that every child in montana will have access to a children's advocacy center and the expertise of professionals that make up a multidisciplinary team -- law enforcement, child protection, therapists, medical providers, prosecutors, victim advocates and cac employees -- forensic interviewers.

Basic Information



59103-0666, Billings, Montana

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Founded in

Not Reported



Total Assets

$55.18 thousand

UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported

This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.