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Public Charities

Lot 2540 Incorporated

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L.o.t. 2540 supports ministries that promote physical and spiritual healing for families in rockingham county, nc. the core of the ministry is comprised of counseling/prayer services to the community to serve their spiritual needs.the core ministries are supported by a retail space that includes a salvage and recycling store. the store not only offers financial support to l.o.t. 2540 but is also utilized to facilitate vocational training and leadership training for "in transition" individuals. other ministries, directed toward those who are struggling economically, include a "free store" (clothing, furnishings, food items, etc.) and a food pantry supported by food donations and purchases.l.o.t. 2540 continues to mentor and support other opportunities to help clients to become self-supporting.

Basic Information



1521 Brown Rd, Summerfield, North Carolina, 27358

View all Summerfield charities

Founded in

Not Reported



Total Assets

$166.9 thousand

UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported

This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.