Supreme Court of Missouri Historical Society Logo

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Supreme Court of Missouri Historical Society

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The Supreme Court of Missouri Historical Society, established in 1983, is dedicated to preserving the history of the Supreme Court of Missouri and the judicial system in Missouri. The Society aims to enhance public understanding of the Court's history through research, preservation of artifacts, and maintaining the historic Supreme Court Building in Jefferson City. It also organizes educational programs and events to promote awareness and celebrate the significant milestones of the Missouri judiciary.

Basic Information



65102-0904, Jefferson City, Missouri

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Founded in

Not Reported



Total Assets

$427.1 thousand

At a Glance

Bicentennial Celebration

Bicentennial Celebration

A celebration marking the 200th anniversary of the Supreme Court of Missouri, featuring a cake shaped like the Court building and presentations by judges.

First Complete History Book

First Complete History Book

Commissioned the first comprehensive history of the Supreme Court of Missouri published by Gerald T. Dunne.

Membership Benefits

Membership Benefits

Offers various membership levels with benefits such as invitations to Society events and contributions to the preservation of the Supreme Court's history.

Our Programs

Seiler Fellowship

A program aimed at historical and juridical research related to the Supreme Court of Missouri.

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