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Affordable Housing

Regenesis Community Developement Corporation

No social links available


This corporation is organized as a non-profit organization which will operate exclusively for charitable purposes; including but not limited to directly and indirectly, to develop, own, manage, buy and sell affordable housing in and around the city of spartanburg. a. to improve communities in and around the city of spartanburg by providing safe and affordable housing and a suitable living environment, principally for persons of low to very low incomes. b. to conduct and support activities that will expand and promote economic opportunities, community development and community revitalization, principally for persons of low to very low incomes. c. to combat community deterioration through residential development and revitalization, commercial development and revitalization, economic development, and historic preservation. d. to support conduct such other and further activities that may promote housing, economic development, neighborhood revitalization, historic preservation, and communit

Basic Information



29304-5701, Spartanburg, South Carolina

View all Spartanburg charities

Founded in

Not Reported



Total Assets

$1.857 million

UN Sustainable Development Goals Supported

This organization contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. See the SDG page for more information.