Woodstock, Georgia
Charity Landscape
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Nonprofit DirectoryWoodstock, Georgia
A national hud approved agency providing home equity conversion counseling.
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Limitless disability services provides adult day services to clients with unique physical and cognitive needs
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To operate an orphanage for orphaned, abandoned and neglected children or those in dire circustances in negros oriental philippines.
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The organization engages in education, humanitarian aid, and fulfillment of the commands of the christian faith to assist mankind.
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Voterga is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational and scientific purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. the primary purpose of the organization is to defend human and civil rights that citizens of georgia and other states have secured by law. it may participate in public policy and legal activities in regards to fulfilling this purpose but it will not support or oppose candidates for political office.
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Food assistance, life skills and employment training for individuals and families in crisis
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Prevention of child abuse and neglect and protecting and serving children and families.
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To acquire and administer funds and property which, after the payment of necessary expenses, shall be devoted to charitable, scientific, literary and educational purposes within meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the code, as may be determined from time to time by the board of directors.
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The primary purpose of this non-profit corporation is to further theeducational development of woodstock high school band members by providingfinancial and educational guidance to its members.
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Education facility operating a prodigy learning center
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Education provided in a christian based, parent-involved, and classically trained & instructed classroom.
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See schedule o
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To assist single mothers and their children by providing transitional housing and support in order for them to begin rebuilding a successful life through achieving economic self-sufficiency, education and training goals, and spiritual growth, all through the power of the lord jesus christ. seeing single mothers succeed and dream again is the heart of this ministry.
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Distribute religious materials including hosting conferences to share the message of jesus christ.
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To promote the ideas of the tea party movement and to engage in charitable and educational activities.
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Dtem reaches, teaches, and trains students in their journey with christ. they do that by traveling to middle and high schools sharing the message of who christ is. god has broken down walls and allowed eric and his team to bring christs message to the spiritual clubs at the schools in the greater metropolitan area of atlanta eric also has the incredible privilege to disciple young men and pour into them the love of christ to help them in their journey with their savior. one of erics mottos is youre not making disciples until your disciples are making disciples.
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Providing assistance to families without the ability to pay for food, housing, utilities, transportation needs, and medical assistance.
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To provide the instruction, organization and facilitation of youth involvement in athletics through a variety of sports activity programs.
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The ministry is organized for the following purposes: (1)to minister to the jewish people and educate them as to the christian faith and their place in it according to the bible; (2) to minister to other non-christians and educate them as to the christian faith; and (3) to minister to christians and educate them as to the significance the jewish people play in the bible and god's plan as illustrated therein.
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Provide opportunities to improve the quality of life for special needs young adults by promoting independence through employment, training service, and support.
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