Winchester, Tennessee
Charity Landscape
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Nonprofit DirectoryWinchester, Tennessee
Provide transitional housing while networking individuals and families with organizations to affirm permanent placement and low income housing to senior citi
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The mission of scotties rock foundation is to assist scottish terrier owners and rescue groups who have limited financial resources with veterinary care expenses.
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Temporary shelter & adoption of homeless pets.
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Provide financial support for the 12th judicial district by providing funds for treatment, drug testing supplies, living space, transportation and other basic needs as required.
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Winchester christian acadamy is a 2 year to 8th grade school to provide children and families a positive learning experience in a loving christian environment.
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Providing high quality interdiction training for narcotics professionals.
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United way of franklin co. raises funds and distributes them to non-profit organizations that provide health and human services and meet eligibility requirements.
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To provide quality community reentry services that will reduce recidivism, empower clients to enter gainful employment, lead productive lives, and return to safer communities.
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The purpose of the fourth district volunteer fire department is to provide fire department service to the liberty, centennial, and surrounding communities as defined by the service area map.
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The organization shall promote, sponsor,educate and inform citizens on topics of common interest and concern to the area. the organization shall also sponsor cultural, employment and commercial revitalization of the city of winchester.
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Provides a safe place for children after school and during the summer to socialize, receive mentoring and tutoring.
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The senior citizens center operates for the benefit of senior citizens in franklin county.
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To foster, develop, promote, and operate a combination of formal programs, services, and appropriate supports over a sustained period that will maximize the quality of life and functional abilities for intellectually and developmentally disabled citizens of franklin county.
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Winchester, TN
Winchester, TN
Winchester, TN
Winchester, TN
Winchester, TN