Wichita, Kansas
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Nonprofit DirectoryWichita, Kansas
To build authentic and true catholic health care by sharing the love and healing power of christus medicus, christ the physician, defending life and religious freedom, and protecting the poor and vulnerable in our community.
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Aligning boldly-resilient young people with the tools and mindset to move courageously, with purpose and discipline, to activate underserved communities.
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To offer thoughtful, high-quality visual arts programming to engage the community and encourage critical dialog.
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Promote and advance safety, permanency, and well-being for children and families involved with, or at risk of becoming involved with the child welfare system.
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Shepherd's way is a residential program committed to empowering young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, not requiring daily nursing intervention, to live independently.
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Wichita's littlest heroes exists to provide hope, help, and happiness to families of children ages 0-18 in the kansas area who are battling different life-threatening medical conditions. wlh strives to accomplish this by being a physical and emotional presence for the whole family. through partnerships with other nonprofits, individuals, and businesses, we help fill the gaps. we provide education, resources, advocacy, celebration, and free, fun family activities.
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Cindi's hope inc is a non-denominational evangelical christian organization reaching the nations for jesus christ through education in kenya and rwanda. cindi's hope inc fundraises and then distributes those funds to our cindi's hope ngo's in kenya and rwanda that conduct activities that provide relief for the poor education to the underprivileged and serve the spiritual needs of men women and children.
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To transform wichita into a more livable, accessible, connected city by making biking and walking safe, equitable, and appealing.
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Non-denominational christ centered ministry that provides teaching, mentoring, and guidance to the incarcerated and then provides shelter, food, clothing, job placement assistance, and transportaiton assistance to reintegrate the formerly incarcerated into a christ centered lifestyle
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To improve the quality of life and provide inspiration and opportunity for people who are blind and visually impaired through employment, see schedule o for continuation.
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Our mission is to put christian principles into practice through programs that promote healthy lifestyles, strong families, and positive youth development to build healthy spirit, mind and body for all, regardless of ability to pay.
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Improve the health of all kansans so every kansan can make healthy choices where they live, work, and play.
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Merit scholarships to poor and needy students in india. medical camps and awareness assistance to the needy and poor. apta promotes educational, social, financial, cultural, religious, literary, sports, welfare and community affairs for its members.
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Wichita futbol club serves as an organization serving youth in the greater wichita kansas community. the organization provides area youth with the opportunity to learn, develop, and participate in competitive sports. the program teaches good sportsmanship and develops leadership both on and off the field.
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Storytime village has a mission to inspire a lifelong love of reading for underserved kansas children from birth to eight years of age.
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Educate, equip and empower seniors on aging issues, especially related to housing. we provide seminars, workshops, in-home consultations and television production.
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To come alongside and serve military, veterans, and their families in the community as they navigate life and integration by providing resources and a safe place to gather and find community.
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Supporting early childhood education programs in kansas with a parent education component.
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To provide quality senior independent living and assisted living / memory care within a christian-based community.
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The prevention of cruelty towards animals. our purpose is to rescue death row animals from the shelter and place them in foster homes that will provide them the love and care they need to become happy, healthy, adoptable animals. we do not discriminate against breed, age, medical, or behavior.
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