West Monroe, Louisiana
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Nonprofit DirectoryWest Monroe, Louisiana
Our mission is to improve the quality of life of displaced animals in ouachita parish by providing a modern shelter that encourages active community involvement and support, while promoting education and actions aimed at reducing the population of displaced animals.
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Propagation of the gospel of jesus
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To empower foster and adoptive parents, and the children in their care, by providing communication, support, training, and advocacy services.
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To provide a safe and spiritual location to lead our campers into a relationship with jesus christ that will carry them to eternity.
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Providing educational opportunities through scholarships and tutoring for children from under privileged families.
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The foundation administered activities related to rendering care to the sick and injured or in the promotion of health, cooperated with other public and private institutions and agencies engaged in providing hospital and other health care services to residents of the district, and participated in activities designed and conducted to promote the general health of the community. the foundation's area of service included the following eight northeastern louisiana parishes: caldwell, franklin, jackson, lincoln, morehouse, ouachita, richland and union.
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To provide summer camps for medically handicap children.
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To provide support to youth sports in ouachita parish.
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To provide cultural enhancement in northeast louisiana through concerts, art and similar projects.
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Followers of jesus who love one another, encourage one another, equip one another and who reach out to the world with the gospel.
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The primary exempt purpose of inn ministries, inc. is developing christ centered relationships through educating and training a future generation of guatemala leaders.
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To partner with families to educate their children by providing a christ-centered, biblically-based school program.
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Provide affirming, comprehensive, accessible, and high-quality healthcare and supportive services for people in an inclusive setting, with a particular emphasis on people who are low-income and medically underserved, people who are lgbtq, and people living with hiv.
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West Monroe, LA
Operate an organized baseball program for youths.
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The organization's mission is to create an organized baseball program for youths in the local area, and assist other organizations for charitable causes.
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Uniting community through saving the historic presence and reviving the commercial core.
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