Texarkana, Texas
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Nonprofit DirectoryTexarkana, Texas
To provide soccer sports activities for youth and adults.
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To operate one or more icfmr facilities to provide services to individuals who have a developmental disability
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To provide transitional housing for men and women subject to court-ordered drug and/or alcohol rehabilitation programs in an environment that is condusive to drug and/or alcohol rehabilitation and counseling. it seeks to provide spiritual and/or religious support, teach life skills needed to transition from the temporary housing provided to independent living and assist participants in finding and applying for educational and employment opportunities.
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To provide support to the community
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To bring new business and industry to the texarkana area metropolitan statistical area.
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The shelter provides food, clothing, medical care, and shelter to the homeless. we provide job training, drug and alcohol referrals and benefit counseling.
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To provide individualized basic reading and writing instructions to offer adults the opportunity to acquire the skill necessary for full participation in society
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To provide free services to those with unexpected pregnancies, including pre- and post- abortion counseling, adoption referrals, abstinence training, marriage building, outreach programs and mommy & daddy training.
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Mission is to proclaim truth and hope from the loving heart of god to the lost and hurting in order to lead people into a personal relationship with jesus christ.
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The texarkana isd education foundation's mission is to provide opportunities for excellence in education, promote innovation in teaching, and partner with the community to enhance the quality of education for all students.
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The center is a care provider rendering life sustaining assistance to the indigent and job training and placement for able bodied clients withouth regard to religious preference, political affiliation, sex, race, handicap, or other classification.
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To alleviate hunger in southwest arkansas and northeast texas through food distribution and education.
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The mission of the museum is to provide historical and educational values of the city of texarkana and its surrounding featuers the city has experienced in the past and its forward process into the future.
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The mission of the school is to provide excellence in education by setting high academic standards that stimulate growth in each student while fostering physical, social, emotional, and spiritual development.
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To provide emergency ground and air ambulance services and related medical attention while in transit.
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Provide annual support to 501(c) (3) member agencies through contributions received from the public.
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To enhance the overall reputation of texarkana college, to provide external resources to fund college priorities, and to create opportunities for the college to build partnerships with alumni, friends, donors, corporations, and foundations.
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Provide support, education, assistance, and awareness of alzheimer's disease, and operation of day respite center to provide socialization for early to mid-stage alzheimer's patients and a brief respite for their caregivers.
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The mission of opportunities, inc is to provide developmental and support services which empower individuals in attaining a full life in the community.
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To provide protection and care for abandoned, abused, neglected and unwanted companion animals; and to promote animal welfare through programs and services that mutually benefit animals and people.
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