Summerville, South Carolina
Charity Landscape
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Nonprofit DirectorySummerville, South Carolina
Solicit, manage and distribute financial, and other, contributions for the construction and operation of baseball facilities for physically & mentally challendged children.
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The tri-county veterans support network (tcvsn) is a 501(c)(3) which facilitates a collaborative community response of many veteran service agencies across the charleston, berkeley and dorchester counties committed to working together to identify veterans and families in crisis in our community and help them navigate their way to stability by connecting them to the right resources at the right time - to include: housing, education, employment, basic needs assistance and other social services.
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Doors to freedom has established to provide a safe place for survivors of sex trafficking to experience a transformed life. our organization believes truth is essential for freedom and knowing truth and understanding truth gives meaning to the value of life. understanding your value restores dignity and offers a new perspective on life. the right perspective restores hope and allows one to dream again for their future.
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Dorchester county economic development's mission is to create an environment that supports new business growth and retention enabling companies to succeed for generations. in addition, we work to strengthen and prepare our community for the future. through such efforts, we aim to provide our citizens with the opportunities to grow and prosper in dorchester county.
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Summerville dream is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to improving the quality of life in summerville by enhancing the aesthetic, cultural, social and economic aspects of the downtown area, while preserving its historic identity. summerville dream promotes downtown revitalization through event coordination, business education, advocacy, beautification and enhancement projects, tourism promotion, and marketing historic downtown summerville to residents and guests.
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To promote and provide assistance in professional development of teachers, utilizing " algebra project" instructional materials and pedagogy.
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Creating and fostering an arts community for all.
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The mission of the masterpiece ltd. is to support other charitable organizations operating in southeastern wi by undertaking motor vehicle related fund raising events. amounts raised by these events benefit 501(c)3 organizations that are selected by the grant advisory committeee and approved by the board of directors.
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Second chance thrift shop is operated with mission of generating funds through the sale of donated items. generated funds are then distributed local non-profits that assist those most in need in our community.
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Beyond basic assists people with intellectual disabilities to achieve fufillment beyond the basics by developing independent living skills.
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Dcco operates (2) homeless facilities in the town of summerville sc. home of hope, a 16-bed men's facility, and hope's house, an 8-bed women's facility, operate to serve unhoused men and women in this community. in 2022, 68 men and 30 women were provided shelter and support as they worked toward gaining financial stability and housing independence.
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Education mission is to provide students with an academically rigorous, classical christian education in partnership with parents.
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Support student athletics
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Lowcountry connections academy is a public virtual charter school that serves students k-12. all students who reside in south carolina are eligibile to attend if they meet applicable enrollment requirements.
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To provide funds to organizations for the care or support of mentally handicapped persons.
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Child advocacy center for abused and neglected children
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To foster camaraderie among united states veterans of overseas conflicts and to serve our veterans, the military and our communities and advocate pn behalf of all
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To produce and present quality community theater to encourage and promote educational and literary performing arts projects for all segments of the tri-county population, and to provide a venue for thespians, artists, technicians and other creative people to practice.
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