Spencer, Iowa
Charity Landscape
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Nonprofit DirectorySpencer, Iowa
Pregnancy support
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Provides transportation services to the public in nine iowa counties through assistance of federal, state, and local funds.
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People for pets is a non-profit organization devoted to finding homes for abandoned pets. people for pets also promotes spaying and neutering.
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Grand avenue community outreach is a volunteer-driven nonprofit organization that provides services and outreach programs design to meet physical, spiritual, and long-term needs of people in northwest iowa and beyond.
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To help responsible, working class families with a child in medical crisis.
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The charitable, educational and humanitarian support of children of the developing world for a sustainable future. the present project is with an orphanage located in haiti. the organization is working to correct the orphanage with basic needs: food, water, shelter and safety.
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To collect, preserve and display the history and artifacts and educate the residents of clay county, iowa about the history of the county.
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The ymca of spencer is a charitable, community service organization that includes men, women, and children of all ages, abilities, incomes, races, and religions we are dedicated to building strong kids, strong families, and strong communities by putting christian principles into practice through programs that promote healthy lifestyles, strong values, leadership development, community interaction, and international understanding all persons are welcome at our ymca, through generous contributions from ymca members and the united way, no one is turned away from the ymca due to inability to pay our ymca is founded and led by volunteers from our community, volunteers also serve as mentors, coaches, program leaders, instructors, and more goals of programs the goals of all ymca programs and practices are to help participants - grow as responsible members of families and communities - recognize that everyone is a child of god and worthy of respect.
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Provide decent, safe & affordable housing for low & moderate income individuals.
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Financial support for the clay county fair.
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To provide enhanced learning opportunities not provided for in the school district budget for teachers, staff and students.
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To enhance spencer's main street district as a business, professional, and cultural center in northwest iowa.
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Provide plays and drama workshops for the community and rent costumes to community theatres and high schools throughout the nation.
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Guiding individuals and families towards a meaningful and fulfilling life.
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Spencer, IA
Spencer, IA
Promote environmental education and awareness of natural resource conservation.
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Preservation of affordable housing for low to moderate income persons residing within the region.
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To provide recreational and youth development through organized soccer to the youth of northwest iowa.
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