Reston, Virginia
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Nonprofit DirectoryReston, Virginia
The washington west film festival exists to elevate film arts in the northern virginia and greater washington dc region to increase and influence philanthropy in the washington dc region and beyond.
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The purpose of the institute is to advance the arts, sciences, and technology of aeronautics and astronautics and to nurture and promote the professionalism of those engaged in these pursuits.
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To systematically facilitate assertive muslim involvement in the field of human struggle for the rights of the poor and oppressed.
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To provide affordable approp. medtech for underserved/low-resource global healthcare settings.
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To prevent human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation, disrupt the related networks, and restore those impacted.
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The chris atwood foundation works to provide recovery support and resources to people and families affected by addiction; to change the conversation and policies about addiction from ones of stigma to support; and to prevent the disease from taking hold of future generations.
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Improve human health by advancing nuc. medicine, molecular imaging & radionuclide therapy.
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The aaoa foundation is focused on promoting research as it is related to allergy, inflammatory, and related disease within otolaryngology. the foundation focuses on targeted goals of helping to improve patient care in otolaryngology by challenging paradigms, developing methodologies or technologies, and evaluating valuable scientific areas.
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See schedule o for description of organization's primary mission.
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Engage in, assist, & support scientific activities & projects for & perform & engage in & procure r&d, engineering & advisory services to or for public interest orgs.
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See schedule o
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To provide high-quality, technology-based content and services that enhance learning for all children, and to empower teachers, child care providers, and parents to support that learning.
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Food for neighbors' mission is to help hungry children through their school's social services by engaging and mobilizing the community in the fight to end hunger.
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To raise fund for the construction of a school located in somalia.
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The mission is to help identify and assist individuals with rare genetic disorders, and to work with interested researchers to develop treatment options and cures for these disorders. the initial focus is on increasing awareness and understanding of patients with dhps deficiencies and evaluating potential treatments to address those deficiencies. dhpsf will meet its goals by assisting other organizations described in 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(1) and 509(a)(2) of the internal revenue code by providing grants as determined by the board of directors.
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Teach of bangladesh is an exempt organization to support its counter part teach of bangladesh in bangladesh to launch a movemewnt of capable, committed and compassionate leaders in bangladesh who share an understanding of inequity and are working tirelessly inside and outside the nation's classrooms to end its impact on children.
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See schedule o
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To help people of faith communities develop local solutions to the climate crisis and provide education to local governments about climate change and its consequences.
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Establishing prevention-minded care for children with cancer supporting ...continued on schedule o continued from page 1... prevention, research, education & programs.
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To transform the giving experience in order to benefit every person, nonprofit, and community in need of support
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