Placerville, California
Charity Landscape
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Nonprofit DirectoryPlacerville, California
Develop and lead spiritual formation and practices
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Provide for rescue and rehabilitation of wildlife
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Missionary support to 3 missionary families in portugal, madagascar and california.
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El dorado county ag in the classroom is a local, grassroots, charitable organization that provides quality agriculture-related educational resources, programs, and training opportunities to cultivate through education an understanding and appreciation of how important and all-encompassing agriculture is in our daily lives.
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Residential care and treatment of emotionally and physically neglected children and adults
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To develop new and different ways to incorporate parental choice into educational process, with an emphasis on the use of computer technology.
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Prepare and administer ca certified medical assistant exam, prepare continuing education and maintain records of such, assist with recertification process and promote career advancement within the medical assistant field through education and course work.
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To provide health & social services to people in the el dorado county area targeted primarily to the medi-cal and uninsured population.
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Organizations mission is to provide christian principles and resources to the workforce
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Ocean grove charter school is an independent study charter school that provides a voluntary public education choice for families of students who choose to educate their children in the home environment.
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Pregnancy counseling and support
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The center for violence-free relationships is dedicated to building healthy relationships, families and communities free from sexual assault and domestic violence through education, advocacy and services in western el dorado county.
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Mother lode rehabilitation enterprises provides rehabilitation services to qualifying disabled adults of el dorado county. the services provided include social and job training, finding appropriate jobs and community interaction as well as group home and assisted living arrangements.
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El dorado county fair is dedicated to maintaining a vital year round facility benefiting the people of el dorado county today and tomorrow.
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The purpose of the organization is to encourage and promote the development and growth of the visual, performing, literary, cultural, and other arts and crafts in el dorado county; to cooperate with all local arts organizations and individuals; and to coordinate and promote local arts projects and events for greater public awareness of and involvement in the arts.
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Our mission is to provide meals and support services to the homeless and other members of our community living under the strain of poverty.
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South sutter charter school is an independent study charter school that provides a voluntary public educational choice for families of students who choose to educate their children in the home environment.
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The foundation encourages, receives, administers and disburses donated funds for community health programs and marshall medical center.
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The rubicon trail foundation is dedicated to the future health and use of the rubicon trail while ensuring responsible motorized year-round trail access. the foundation acts as the support for rubicon work projects and as liaison with local government organizations. this support can range from getting approval fro projects from the appropriate agencies to feeding volunteers and buying the supplies needed to maintain the trail. we also fight the efforts of others to close or restrict use of the rubicon trail system.our officers and directors represent a wide variety of rubicon trail users and supporters. these include trail users, rubicon area land owners, county representatives, manufacturers and rubicon event organizers.
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To enable all young people, especially those who need us the most, to reach their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens.
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