Phoenix, Arizona
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Nonprofit DirectoryPhoenix, Arizona
The mission of the azhsa is to pursue excellence in collaboration with local agencies and partners that promotes educational achievements, family self-sufficiency, and generational progress. to achieve this, we advocate for the wellbeing of a high qualified workforce, including opportunities for state level engagement with key stake holders and elected leaders.
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The arizona preservation foundation is dedicated to preserving arizonas historic reseources
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The mission of tovrea carraro society is to provide a unique experience for visitors to tovrea castle at carraro heights; preserving, maintaining and restoring its historic structures, gardens and grounds.
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To aid and assist arizona disabled and non disabled veterans, national guardsmen and reservists with financial assistance as a result of unexpected emergencies that could not have been planned for. assistance is given in the forms of cash, mortgage payments, rent, food, travel, utilities, medical needs, legal aid, and others depending on the circumstances.
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We host social events for kids on the spectrum including learning how to cook.
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Non-partisan think tank to provide fact based research and education to decision makers and public on policies that effect the economic, fiscal, and social future of arizona.
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The organization's mission is to provide education, information and advocacy services to the community as it pertains to mental health issues.
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The jupiter foundation is a non-profit organization that advances the craft of bartending through educational programs and events while benefiting our local arizona hospitality and other worthy causes.we assist those in need by providing scholarships and grants to members.
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Phoenix womens chorus is a nurturing sisterhood, providing choral programs and educating our communities through the universal language of music
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Our mission is to document, preserve, celebrate, and educate the public on the history, life, culture and contributions of arab
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To improve the educational opportunities of underprivileged children.
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Our mission is to multiply coaching for missions. we serve global missions by providing high-quality coaching, coach training and coach support to help mission workers overcome challenges, personally thrive and effectively fulfull their calling.
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Corazón-az's mission is to cultivate and foster a welcoming and safe community of arizonans from vast faith traditions and beliefs, schools, and allied organizations; united in expanding our democracy, economic dignity, immigrant justice, and healing and wellness.
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We accelerate the creation and growth of hispanic small businesses facing disadvantages by providing equitable access to education, resources, and social capital, in spanish.
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To promote awareness of the importance and impact of the arizona arts and culture to quality of life, educational excellence, and economic vitality, and to promote more public and private support for the arts and culture sector.
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Provide apprenticeship and workforce development programs to the commercial construction industry.
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Intstituto lab provides capacity building to community delvelpment organization across the country and aims to empower communities to engage in leadership positiions and play an active role in their future.
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Providing pay what you can acupuncture care and services primarily to the low income community
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Voices for the voiceless exists to create a world where every human is valued and no one faces unexpected pregnancy alone. significant activities include pregnancy support and human rights advocacy.
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Outdoor activities for disabled people
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