Jerseyville, Illinois
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Nonprofit DirectoryJerseyville, Illinois
Mission is to serve, protect and advocate for children affected by sexual abuse and serious physical abuse and to educate the community about child abuse. this includes investigation, prosecution, and treatment of child abuse while helping abused children heal.
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To enhance public protection by developing and administering a cert prgm consistent with the needs of behavior analysts to recognize individuals who are qualified to treat the deficits and behaviors assoc w autism spectrum disorder using prin and proc of applied behavior analysis
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To collect and preserve data and historical items relating to the history of jersey county. to encourage historical and genealogical research. to publish material of historical nature.
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Annual county fair held in july each year for 9 days
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Education grants
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To promote the health and welfare of animals and to provide them with loving and caring families.
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To provide financial assistance to local hospital projects and services, and to provide financial assistance to students pursuing medical careers.
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The organization will assist & benefit the catholic church & children in jersey county, including maintenance & improvements to the church and school buildings.
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Endowment fund for catholic education. created to support catholic education in jerseyville, illinois. the fund provides provides financial assistance to the school as needed for classroom supplies and safety improvements to both sites.
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The fund provides educational assistance to college students residing in jersey county, illinois.
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Jerseyville, IL
Jerseyville, IL
Jerseyville, IL
Jerseyville, IL
Jerseyville, IL
Jerseyville, IL