Jamaica, New York
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Nonprofit DirectoryJamaica, New York
Provide public benefit services to immigrants and family in new york state. the organization expanded it's literacy program and social services in the community, therefore expanding membership in 2022.
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To promote religious education among adult and young muslim brothers and sisters to nurture moral development of our youth, to facilitate social development through education and training. help the needy people
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To provide health and wellness service to underserved communities throughout new york city.
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To provide group home services to children and adults with a group living experience in a homelike environment.
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Our mission is to provide care for children through several means, including childcare, tutoring and after school services, in addition, work with members of the community through our community-based work.
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The organizations mission is to provide services to people with developmental disabilities by offering programs focused on training, improving development, social skill and life skills.
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See schedule o
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To provide person-centered services and supports to children and adults who have developmental disabilities. the goal of these services and supports is to promote independence, community involvement, and quality of life.
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See schedule o.to operate community mental health centers providing exceptional services to children, adolescents and adults in underserved culturally diverse communities of new york city.
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To help disabled people achieve self-reliance and take their place as productive members of society.
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Chcc runs universal pre-k program for 3-4 year olds under contracts with the city of new york.
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The vision of just cause is to create a community of ready and willing volunteers tasked with supporting the black community at large. achieving this goal of community through financial and socioeconomic support. when realized just cause will have a coalition to not only react to issues in the community but also proactively create the change we want to see
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Help overcome daily chanlenges
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St. john's university is a catholic, vincentian, metropolitan, and (continued on schedule o)
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The organization's mission is to offer employment that leads to renewed engagement in education, training and commitment to community leadership and service. management is proposing a vision, which seeks to develop a working environment for the young adults of the community by creating employment opportunities while partnering with existing employers in the community. through reconnect, the aim is to transform the participants into the neighborhood's next generation of entrepreneurs, dreamers and thinkers as they learn to grow with the existing business and reconnect future endeavors.
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To provide technical and professional services,supplemental services and improvements, and advocacy and administration for all registered members of the district.to support the enhancement of the quality of life,recognizing the diverse experiences of all who work,visit and live within and adjacent to the district, and to encourage members of the district to work together in striking an appropriate balance between industrial,commercial and residential interests.
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Where strong girls are forged tools & tiaras exposes, inspires and mentors girls about becoming future skilled tradeswomen
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To empower children to be conscious and contributing members of their community.
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The amc is a muslim community center dedicated to promoting the values and teachings of islam and to advocating interfaith harmony in a multicultural environment in accordance with the quran and sunnah.
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Black spectrum theatre company inc produces professional theatre, film and concert events, as well as providing instruction and training in the performing arts to new york city based after school programs.
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